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As our name suggests, Les Soeurs Anglaises is the collaborative enterprise of English “sisters” Katie , Susie and Carol, all long-term residents of France.  With a lifetime of work and experiences in London and the UK – in graphic design, interior design, education and film production - as well as multiple hobbies, interests and skills, our move to France signalled a change of direction and ethos. Our mission became one of finding the very best artists, crafters, musicians and chefs to lead residential, creative workshops and events. We were the first venue in this part of France to offer events such as these.  

Several years of planning, and numerous more collaborating with brilliant bi-lingual architect, Jeremy Harris, meant that the property Briançon, which started life as a beautiful, but long neglected, hamlet in the fabulous countryside of Perigord Vert, could finally open its (giant) renovated doors to workshop participants in 2007.

Over time, our events’ formula has evolved into what is today, we hope, the perfect mix. The Maison de Maître and L’Espace - the huge, light-filled studio space, where we host our work-shops and concerts - have accommodated a succession of well-known and much admired artists and crafters, such as Janet Bolton, Roger McGough, Robert Race, Julie Arkell, Patricia Roberts, Silvan Zingg, Marion Foales, Rosalind Wyatt, Åsa Sōderman and Lori Seibert and many others. People tell us that the unique ambiance of the property is complemented by the delicious food and wine, as well as the warm welcome, care and support we offer.

"In the insanity of my oh-too-fast-paced world, the Soeurs Anglaises experience has become my own personal retreat!” DT