.... summer moves on

With three full events this season under our belt and our Blues & Boogie Weekend only a couple of weeks away, we are sucking ice-cubes and spending as much time as we can in the pool, in an effort to stay cool, calm and collected!  August is a quiet month for us and by September we will be all geared up and raring to go for Åsa Tricosa's 5 day workshop "A Knitting Im-Mercerie" .  One of the participants to this workshop has had to pull out for family reasons so if any of you are intereted we can offer one place at a £200 discount for single occupancy of a Superior Room OR £100 discount for two of you sharing.

So why not ask one of your favourite knitting friends to join you for this workshop with one of the most inspiring teachers around (she's been invited by Vogue Knitting Live to teach at one of their seminars next year - that's how good she is)?   Prices can be found here (in the "additional notes" box add the ATspecial for the discount when booking).

We'd love you to join us and, knitting aside, here are some good reasons why:

Dear Les Soeurs, Thank you again for the time of mylife I spent with you – it was so wonderful and restorative and I am still carrying the warmth and creative spirit with me.   Love to you all.   Kate M UK

Dear Les Soeurs,  Thank you so much for a wonderful week!  The food was totally delicious and I thoroughly enjoyed the company, atmosphere and workshop.  Thank you so much for all you did to make our stay so enjoyable.  Susan J USA

Dear Les Soeurs.  Thank you for such an incredibly enjoyable, interesting week and for looking after and feeding us so well.  We had a truly wonderful few day at your beautiful venue.  Suzanna P Italy

katie armitage